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Prom Audit

Brilliant result of Prom Audit in top-3 international association PrimeGlobal

On June 30, 2022, the Annual Meeting of PrimeGlobal meeting took place. It should be noted that Prom Audit is a member of PrimeGlobal since 2021.

The meeting was held online, at which the leadership and members of Prime Global participated. PrimeGlobal CEO Steve Heathcote, in his opening speech, highlighted the key results achieved by the member companies of this association.

1. PrimeGlobal was awarded as Association of the Year 2022 at the International Accounting Bulletin Awards, the most prestigious award in the industry;

2. There was an increase in member firms, and the total revenue of the association increased by 12% to 3.9 billion US dollars;

3. About 300 firms operating in more than 100 countries, the number of employees in which is about 32 thousand people;

4. The number of partners has grown to 3241, and the association's member firms, according to a survey, showed 80% satisfaction with the work of the organization;

5. The performance of companies in the APAC region was especially noted for its growth, as revenue showed an increase of 37%, and the number of employees increased by 19% compared to last year;

6. PrimeGlobal is in its third year of double-digit revenue growth and is the 3rd largest association in the world.

Prom Audit took first place among the APAC members of PrimeGlobal Association with a 140% revenue growth rate. This result is an indicator of the successful work and determination of the team and leadership of Prom Audit.

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